Topics to be covered by MinWien2023:
Mineralogy & Crystallography
(New) minerals & classification
Properties of minerals & materials
Crystal structure of minerals & related compounds
Crystal chemistry & topology of crystal structures
Phase transitions & HP mineralogy (non-ambient conditions)
Recent analytical developments
(Scattering) by neutron- and electron radiation
Mineral & crystal physics
Mineral textures & interfaces
Fluid-rock interactions
Applied Mineralogy
Environmental Mineralogy & technical applications
Forensic Mineralogy
Ceramics & glasses
Building stones
Archeometry & cultural heritage
Biomineralogy & biomineralization
Natural & anthropogenic environments
Weathering, dissolving, adsorption & transport processes
Development & applications of analytical methods
Lithosphere & Geochemistry
From melt to rock
Timing & duration of metamorphism & reactions
Stable & radioactive isotopes
Element & isotope transport in the lithosphere
Geochronology & petrochronology
Stable and radiogenic isotopes – clocks and tracers of rocks
Mineral equilibria
PT evolution of rocks
Crustal & mantle fluid related processes
Topotaxis of rock forming minerals
Experimental petrology
Mineralogy & Ore Deposits
Raw materials, metals
Industrial and ore minerals
Genesis of ore & mineral deposits
Economic minerals
Field studies
(Deposit) modelling & mapping
Supergene enrichments
Open Session
Gemmology & gemstones
Mineral history
Mineral teaching
All aspects of Mineral and Petrological Sciences not fitting into the other sessions